Mosaico Solutions is working in partnership with Amplify Research Partners to provide qualitative market research and user testing services to our clients. Qualitative research involves direct interaction with consumers and end users, with an eye toward understanding opinions and motivations. Whether through focus groups, surveys, or individual interviews, research can help us understand the process behind buying decisions, or it can be used to evaluate product quality and/or effectiveness. Looking at educational product development, for example, qualitative research can provide numerous benefits in terms of product quality. We can evaluate strong and weak points, explore known issues in more depth, and fine tune deliverables to create the best learning experience possible. For any type of consumer product or service, from food and clothing to technology to financial services, qualitative research can drive increased revenue and enhanced customer satisfaction. A key variable in any qualitative project is recruiting a group of participants/respondents that will provide accurate, representative, and actionable information. We recently put together a white paper, Qualitative Research: 5 Recruiting Strategies that Get Results, which you can download here: We hope you enjoy reading the white paper, and invite you to contact us any time if you would like more information!
by Scott Johnson
Here's a simple quote generator that I made for the coding class I am taking. Enjoy!
Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?
- Lao Tzu
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